Three Harbors Council, BSA
330 South 84th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468

Youngtimers News


Safe Halloween

On Saturday, October 19, 2013, Three Harbors Council hosted its 22th edition of Safe Halloween at Indian Mound Reservation.  The Youngtimers BSA were visible in a variety of tasks.  Ray and Jane Bernards along with Craig and Sandy Hasting handled the dining hall ticket sales and table clean-up. Judy Jury, Nancy Nikolas and Bill Murgas greeted the little goblins arriving at the reservation office. Plowing the pumpkin patch were Ralph and Gloria Heun. Providing a running commentary for those on the ‘scary’ hayride was Bill Schmitz. And Dave Loosen had his troop staffing the haunted house at the Fun Lodge. Over 800 costumed Cub Scouts and their families enjoyed the day-long event.  Even a little heavy dew, including some freezing rain and hail, did not dampen the spirits.   An estimated 150 Boy Scouts, venture crews, and other adults helped in making the day a fun-filled and safe Halloween.  As is often the case, it was hard to discern who was having more fun: the costumed Cubs or the costumed Star Wars, Pirates, or Harry Potter’s staff. Thanks to the many organizers who volunteered hours and hours in preparation, spearheaded since its inception by the Green Witch herself, Karen Herbert - and thanks to the kitchen crew, headed by Doug Reed  and all the folks who made this a successful, fun experience.
Craig Hasting, Sandy Hasting, Ray Bernards, Jane Bernards 


Who We Are

Recently the Youngtimers were asked to fill out a Personal Information Sheet listing their Scouting and community experiences.  The results?  Wow!
The Youngtimers, BSA is a Scout organization comprised of active individuals who have retired from their regular employment but not from Scouting. The membership of the Youngtimers is currently at forty seven men and women. Each has dedicated a lifetime of providing support and services to the Scouting program and to their community. When I say they have been active; look at some of the statistics;
  • 98% have had Wood Badge training with about 18% having staffed at least once. Two have been course directors.
  • 95% have been awarded the Silver Beaver. One has earned the Silver Antelope
  • 76% are or have been members the Order of the Arrow; many with the Vigil award
  • Three have received the Distinguished Commissioner Service Award
  • Almost all have the Scouters Training Award, Scouters Key and the District Award of Merit.  They have served in Cub Scout programs, as troop leaders, on councils, as commissioners, Train-the-Trainers, Jamboree staff and various committees 
The average number of years in Scouting is over 50 years, with three over 60 years and one with 75 years, and they are not done yet. Many are still active as merit badge counselors, instructors, commissioners, advisors and volunteers.
They also manage to find time to do volunteer work outside of Scouting. Many of the local churches and community activities are better served because of a Youngtimer as is some senior centers and special service groups. One said he has, over the years, donated 16 gallons of blood. He did look a little anemic. 
Seven had been selected as recipients of the World War II Honor Flight.
The Youngtimers, BSA have been in the business of servicing for over 41 years and are still going strong. Why? Because THAT'S WHO WE ARE. THAT'S WHAT WE DO.


What We Do


Youngtimers's BSA Service Activity Calendar for 2014

March 24 (Monday after Scouting for Food)
  • In 2013, over 200,000 lbs of food collected
  • Need 6 people- Food pick-up. One person drives, second person picks-up
April (TBD)  Spring clean-up of Milwaukee Service Center
May 5 thru 22 -  Character Camp at IMR
  • More than 3000 kids arrive at camp as part of Learning for Life Curriculum.
  • Need 15 For registration, kitchen duties, crafts, activity stations
May 31 & June 1 Scouting the Zoo 
  • Need 25 For information Booth, Pinewood Derby, Oversee Service projects       
JULY (TBD) Summer Rec Day Camp at IMR
  • Multicultural Scouting experience for central city youths
  • Need 15 To lead walking groups, crafts, field games, team building
July31 to August 10  State Fair 
  • Need 8 To attend Scout booth for one or two days
September (TBD) Sporting Clays Classic at Milford Gun Club
  • Need 10 To release clay targets
September (TBD) Mess Hall clean-up at IMR
  • Need 10 Clean and polish floor, wash windows, general cleaning
October 28 Safe Halloween at IMR
  • Need 15 For check-in, help pick out pumpkins, pumpkin carving, decorating,     selling food tickets
Milwaukee Service Center
  • Mailings- on call short notice
  • Stuffing packets for Re-charter
  • Stuffing packets for friends of Scouting presentations?
We are currently looking for new members. If you are retired and are interested in joining a fun and active group that meets once a month, contact Margaret Williams at (414) 443-2864 or e-mail at



There is a Hole in my Bucket List

The idea of having a bucket list came to me from a 2007 comedy-drama movie about two terminally ill guys portrayed by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman who go on a road trip with a list of things they want to do before they "kick the bucket". Well, I too have a bucket list, but being long into my retirement program, I thought it time to update it.
I'm removing Limbo dancing - you know that dance that involves bending over backwards (you gotta be kidding) and passing under a horizontal pole that's lowered for each successive pass... Since I can't get my walker under much less than four feet, what's the point?
Running into a store and asking the clerk, " what year is this?"; when someone answered, I would shout, "It works! it works!" and run out cheering... Well, I'm not sure that belongs on the list anymore. And I always thought about entering a crowded elevator and saying, "I suppose you're wondering why I called this meeting", but I'll remove that one too.
I might leave skydiving on there (at least for a little while), but I can tell you bungee jumping was never on it! The idea of tying a cord around my ankle then jumping off of a building to see how close my nose can come to the pavement, before being jerked back into space never seemed like a smart idea to me.
Sitting in the front row of a heavy metal rock concert was never on the list either.
Mud wrestling, line dancing, singing Karaoke until midnight, keeping bees, building a tree house and learning to use a pogo-stick are being removed - mostly out of fear of being evicted from my assisted living quarters.
I'm about ready to add collecting owls made from sea shells and promising myself to never pass a bathroom without stopping. I am going to keep my request that my tombstone be written in ancient Sanskrit. That should confuse a lot of people long after I'm gone.
A reminder: The gala Youngtimers Christmas party is December 5, 2013. More info to follow soon. See you there.


Youngtimers Spiff-up IMR Dining Hall

On September 24, 2013 a group of Youngtimers gathered at the Indian Mound Scout Reservation Dining Hall for what is an annual clean-up.  Stripping the tile floor competed with those who cleaned ceiling light fixtures and those cleaning all the windows - both inside and out. Members in attendance were Jerry “Cooker” Bennett, Craig “Inch-High” Hasting, Ralph “Century” Heun, Dave “Mickey” Loosen, Joe “Static” Jesse and Bill “Wildchild” Schmitz. MAC member Bill Keck also provided able assistance.
This year’s work detail benefitted greatly in both time-saving and use of resources with the participation of Mr. Andy Bober of SealedAir Co. of Sturtevant, WI (formerly connected to SE Johnson Co). Mr. Bober’s expertise was very much appreciated. Not to mention his donation of the stripping and finishing chemicals as well as a finish-application machine. Thank You, Andy.
The MAC group joined us for lunch and shared good conversation. Joe Jesse’s chili, salad, and ice cream energized the group to finish a long but rewarding day at camp.


Dave Loosen Induction and Roast

In April of 2011, Dave Loosen had just retired and had requested membership in the Youngtimers BSA - a Scout senior volunteer group he had worked with for so many years.

Dave is a longtime collector of Mickey Mouse paraphernalia and therefore it was only fitting that he be given (as is the custom) the Youngtimers' name of "Mickey."
The Youngtimers induction luncheon was adorned with a copious amount of Mickey Mouse collectables. The Youngtimers and guests even sported Mickey ears and at one point busted out with The Mickey Mouse Club theme song...M..I..C..K..E..Y M-O-U-S-E... Mickey Mouse... Mickey Mouse!  It brought tears to a grown man's eyes.
The ceremony wouldn't have been complete without some playful, good humored jabs at Dave. The Roasting went something like this:
Our Guest of Honor today is Dave "Mickey" Loosen who has been our BSA Council Representative for 21 years and is now retiring. We would like to pay tribute to Dave today for his contribution to Scouting and to the Youngtimers's programs.
What can I say about a man who is admired, revered and loved by everyone? A great deal... but that's not the man before us. We'll save that for someone else. Dave is leaving his job basically because of illness... his boss is sick of him. Dave of course, has changed over the years. He used to be arrogant and obnoxious, but now he is just the opposite. Now he's obnoxious and arrogant. There is no middle ground with Dave, you either hate him or detest him. But Dave does have his good points; he isn't the kind of guy that would talk about you behind your back. He would stab you there but never talk about you there.  I had tried to bring several of his friends... I should say acquaintances... to say a few words about our Guest of Honor but they said they weren't about to give up a nap for a thing like this. However, they reluctantly agreed to summit a few choice comments which I will share with you:
"When they made Dave they broke the mold. Then to play it safe they found the guy that made the mold and shot him."
"As a Scouter he doesn't know the meaning of the word fear. But then he doesn't know the meaning of most words"
"He gets carried away sometimes. The only's never far enough."
"He's the kind of guy people enjoy running into....when they're driving."
"At camp he did the work of three men; Curly, Larry and Moe. He was as useful as a sun roof on a submarine."
"He is open minded which is better than saying his empty headed Of course brains aren't everything... in his case they aren't anything."
"Dave, when we have our Scouting at the Zoo can I take you? I could use the reward money."
One of Dave's many problems is that he has an inferiority complex... but then it is justified. You can say, however, that he does not have a split personality. I mean if he did why would he use this one? In fact he once called the suicide hot line. They told him he was doing the right thing.  There are however reasons that Dave is like he is, he was deprived of a lot of things in his childhood; I believe oxygen tops the list. I'm not saying he was an unwanted child but when he started school his mother told him, "If a strange man offers you candy to get into his car...
...go with him."

Three Harbors Council, BSA  I  330 South 84th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468
