New Camp Check-in Procedures
Tent Camping
- Scouts and leaders camping overnight must sleep one person per tent. Only immediate family members can share tents.
- Large district and council events are encouraged to only camp on Saturday night or to consider day only events.
- Camp restroom facilities will be open with enhanced cleaning protocols.
- Events and activities must assign staff to clean restrooms and high touch surfaces on a regular basis. This is in addition to regular cleaning by the Camp Rangers.
- Each unit camping overnight will be assigned a restroom for cleaning. Unit leaders will be responsible for cleaning their assigned restroom and high touch areas on a regular basis.
Camp Check-In Procedures
As Scouts, leaders, and parents attend our camp facilities, there will be new check-in procedures and safety protocols.
Council & District Activities
- Each person entering camp will be required to submit a COVID-19 health assessment form and COVID-19 waiver upon arrival.
- Each vehicle entering camp will have the temperatures checked for all person in the vehicle. If a person in the vehicle does not pass the COVID-19 health assessment, the entire vehicle will be denied entry to the camp property.
Unit Camping
- Each unit must collect the COVID-19 health assessments and COVID-19 waivers for each youth and adult attending camp including contact numbers. These required forms should be submitted to the Camp Ranger upon checking in to camp.
- Each vehicle arriving at camp is responsible for temperature checks for all occupants before leaving home. The temperatures should be documented on the health assessment forms.
Special Exemptions
Two major fall events will be exempt from the capacity limits listed above.
- Scouting the Zoo – This event will follow the guidance of the Milwaukee County Zoo and the Milwaukee County Health Department related to event capacity. All activities will take place outdoors.
- Haunted Woods – The annual Haunted Hayride event will be modified to a walking event rather than a hayride and all activities will take place outdoors.
- Any requests for additional event exemptions, should be submitted for review by the council’s COVID-19 Task Force at least 60 days prior to the event. Requests can be e-mailed to Wally Smith, Director of Camping Services, at