Scouting America
Three Harbors Council
330 South 84th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468


COPE is a Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience. It offers a set of stimulating activities designed to meet the needs of today’s young adults, as well as adults who are seeking greater challenges to their physical and mental abilities. 

What is Available Through COPE?

Group initiative games, as well as low and high course activities, offer a chance to solve problems and challenges which are designed to test both group and individual skills.
COPE provides an opportunity for every participant to achieve success by helping them recognize their strengths and weaknesses and learning how to use them to help the team and themselves.
Most participants accept the challenge, stretching their abilities and comfort levels to accomplish more than they ever dreamed possible.


For more information on COPE or to make a reservation, please contact Karla Langoehr at (414) 443-2877or by E-mail at


    Who is Eligible?

    COPE is open to anyone over the age of 13 by January 1st of the year they participate. A minimum of eight participants is required for any course. In the interest of safety, no exceptions will be made to either of these rules.
    Typical groups attending COPE include:
    • Boy Scouts
    • Explorers
    • Venturers
    • Adult Scouters
    • Non-Scouting adult and youth organizations

    Where and When is COPE?

    COPE courses are held at Indian Mound Scout Reservation in Oconomowoc, WI, about 30 miles west of Milwaukee.
    Courses are available most weekends from April 1 through October 31 or by special arrangements with the camping department at the Three Harbors Council office.
    A typical course runs about seven hours over the course of one day. Courses can be tailored to meet the special needs of a group.
    Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis at the Milwaukee service center. All fees must be received by the office a minimum of three weeks prior to the course.

    Features of COPE

    Among the features that make COPE interesting and challenging to a variety of participants are these:
    • Noncompetitive
      COPE activities emphasize the importance of working together without creating the “winner-loser” situation found in most team sports.
    • Nontraditional
      People with underdeveloped coordination or strength can be discouraged by traditional sports and games, while experienced athletes might be overconfident in their physical abilities. COPE encourages the involvement of all team members in all COPE activities and events. 
    • Risk Taking
      The actual risk of a properly-conducted COPE program is lower than traditional sports programs, but the perceived risk can be very high. Facing that risk helps participants build self-esteem and trust.
    • Performance versus Process
      COPE instructors emphasize the process of decision making and problem solving, and how it can affect the outcome. This process helps participants develop and reinforce skills needed to solve problems in the real world.
    • Adventurous and Exciting
      COPE encourages spontaneity. COPE activities and events teach participants how to have fun in a responsible manner and allow them to interact without being restricted by preconceived notions of group behavior.

    COPE Consent Form

    Required for all COPE participants

    Scouting America Three Harbors Council  I  330 South 84th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468
