Scouting America
Three Harbors Council
330 South 84th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468
Three Harbors Council - ContentCamp Announcement FAQ March 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

Three Harbors Council Camp Announcement

March 2022


What was involved in the process to make the camp decision?
This camp decision was driven by the contribution requested of our council to the BSA Settlement Trust for survivors of abuse in Scouting, formed through the National BSA’s Chapter 11 case.  Three Harbors Council’s portion of the contribution was determined to be $3.685 million by the Ad Hoc Committee of Local Councils, a committee in the bankruptcy proceedings.  In early 2021, Three Harbors Council’s Executive Board formed a committee, the Camp Property Study Group, to review our two camps and make a recommendation to the board on the best future use of those assets.  The committee’s review has been comprehensive over the last twelve months. 

Why was the decision made to close and sell Indian Mound Scout Reservation?  
In addition to the financial considerations of our contribution to the BSA Settlement Trust for survivors of abuse, the board’s committee reviewed multiple factors including camp usage, programs, facilities, and current and future Scouting membership trends.  After receiving a final report from the Camp Property Study Group and careful consideration, the Executive Board determined that closing IMR and retaining Camp Oh-Da-Ko-Ta was the best decision to meet our financial obligation to the BSA Settlement Trust and serve current and future Scouts. 

Will there be summer camp programs at IMR in 2022?
Yes!  Both IMR and Camp Oh-Da-Ko-Ta will host Cub Scout camping and Scouts BSA merit badge clinics this summer.  At IMR, we will have Family Camping Weekends, a Webelos Weekend, and an Adventure Morning session for Cub Scouts along with Scouts BSA merit badge clinics.  Spaces are still available, if you’re interested in attending IMR this summer, make your reservations here.

How many camps have been sold in Wisconsin?
In the past year, three other Scout camps in Wisconsin, owned by other local councils in Wisconsin and Illinois, have sold to support contributions to the BSA Settlement Trust.  Even with these camp sales and our council’s announced camp closure, thirteen BSA camps will remain in Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula, providing many great options for Scout camping across our state. 

Will there be an opportunity for Scouts and alumni to visit the camp?
In addition to planned programs through the end of October 2022, we anticipate hosting camp opportunities that will allow past campers, alumni, and community members to celebrate their memories at IMR and the impact the camp has made on Scouting.  Please look for more information coming later in the spring.  

What will happen to the property?
The Executive Board of Three Harbors Council will advise the Trustees of the Milwaukee Boy Scout Fund, a separate legal entity that owns the camp, that the camp will no longer be used for Scouting operations after November 1, 2022 and can be sold.  The Milwaukee Boy Scout Fund will determine the process to sell the camp.  At this time, there is no indication of a potential buyer for the property or what they will do with the property after they take possession.  The council will retain whatever resources possible from IMR for use in future programming.

What is the Milwaukee Boy Scout Fund?
Established in 1939, the Milwaukee Boy Scout Fund (also known as the Trust) is a separate legal entity that owns and manages an endowment fund to support Scouting in our council.  The Trust also owns Indian Mound Scout Reservation which the council operates. 

When can the membership ask questions and provide feedback?
We know that there will be questions and concerns regarding this decision, and we want to make sure your voice is heard.  The Council Key Three will host two Town Hall webinars to answer questions and hear your feedback on the camp decision.  The Town Halls will be conducted virtually via Zoom on Thursday, March 24th at 5:30 pm and Tuesday, March 29th at 7:00 pm.   Please click here to register for a Town Hall session and receive the link for the Zoom webinar. 

Into The Future:
This decision was extremely difficult for all involved.  Like many of you, members of our Executive Board and council staff have a strong connection to Indian Mound Scout Reservation.  Many were Scouts or served on camp staff, and many more have camped at IMR through the years.   IMR has made an impact on all of us, and it has been crucial to the history and success of Scouting in our council.

Three Harbors Council and the Executive Board are now fully focused on expanding the utilization and facilities at Camp Oh-Da-Ko-Ta, our camp located near Burlington with a more than ninety-year history of serving Scouting.  To do this, we will be conducting future planning sessions and examining what our Scouting families are asking for today.  We look forward to providing updates on that process and future projects at Camp Oh-Da-Ko-Ta.


Scouting America Three Harbors Council  I  330 South 84th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468
