Scouting America
Three Harbors Council
330 South 84th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468
Three Harbors Council - ContentProgramCouncil ActivitiesJamboree on the Air - Jamboree on the Internet

Jamboree on the Air - Jamboree on the Internet

The Three Harbors Council will be participating in the annual Jota-Joti event on October 20, 2017 from 6 until 8 pm and then on the 21st from 10 am until at least 3 pm at the Scout Service Center at 330 South 84th Street, Milwaukee, WI.  The event is open to all Scouts. 

Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is the largest Scouting event in the world. It is held annually the third full weekend in October. JOTA uses amateur radio to link Scouts and hams around the world, around the nation, and in your own community. 

Scouting experiences are exchanged and ideas are shared via radio waves. Since 1958 when the first Jamboree-on-the-Air was held, millions of Scouts have met each other through this event. Many contacts made during JOTA have resulted in pen pals and links between Scout troops that have lasted many years.

The Joti is Jamboree-on-the-Internet which has the same purpose as Jota but use the internet for communication.

Activities at the Service Center will include:

  1. The opportunity to work with a ham radio operator to make contact with other scouts,
  2. Trying your hand at amateur radio direction finding
  3. Morse Code test (chance to earn your morse code interpreter strip)
  4. The chance for Boys Scouts to meet with a Radio Merit Badge Counselor

In addition, for Arrow of Light Scouts:

One of Cub Scouting's Arrow of Light required adventures is Building a Better World.
A key requirement is to connect with a Scout in another country during an event such as
Jamboree on the Air or Jamboree on the Internet or by other means.




Scouting America Three Harbors Council  I  330 South 84th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468
