What is Wood Badge? | 2024 Dates |
Weekend 1 August 9-11, 2024 Camp Oh-Da-Ko-Ta and Weekend 2 September 14-15, 2024 Camp Oh-Da-Ko-Ta Cost Breakdown: $290.00 - (If paid by July 9, 2024) $310.00 - (If paid after July 9, 2024)   RESOURCES    | CONTACT Course Director: Jonathan Schroeder (414) 405-7154 K9pse@yahoo.com   | |
Reflecting the best of nearly a century of Scouting experience, Wood Badge draws upon the most current leadership models used by corporate America, academic circles and successful organizations throughout the country. Wood Badge training was begun by Baden Powell in 1919 as a way to ensure that the leaders of Scout troops were properly trained. Since then, Wood Badge has been held worldwide, providing advanced leadership training to thousands of Scout leaders. Wood Badge builds upon the best traditions and experiences of the Boy Scouts of America and also draws from a wide range of courses within and beyond the bounds of Scouting to present the latest in leadership theory and team development. |
Wood Badge Course Overview |
Participants will be presented with the opportunity to strengthen skills through hands on activities, lectures, and games. Some topics include: - Project Planning
- Problem Solving and Decision making
- Leveraging Diversity
- Listening
- Managing Conflict
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Communicating
- Understanding Generational Differences
- Self Assessments
- Team Development
History of the Course | Concept |
Imagine if you will a leader, in the year 1919, with a dream to supply adults with materials that would be beneficial to self, family, Scouting Units, Districts and Council that would still be striving just 100 years later. Though Wood Badge has evolved to meet the ever changing world of technology, innovation, and the needs of families in this century, it continues to be the ultimate training experience of Scouting today. | The Wood Badge experience develops ones skills to better improve the Unit, while also developing skills that can be beneficial to ones life outside of Scouting as well. |
Who May Attend Wood Badge | Qualifications |
Wood Badge is designed to meet the advanced leadership needs of all Scouters, particularly unit level Scouters, such as Cub leaders, Scoutmasters and assistants, Venturing Crew Advisors, Committee Chairs and members. Additionally Scouters serving at the district and council levels can achieve greater effectiveness through Wood Badge. | - Must be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America. (Youth 18 and older may attend as long as the appropriate Youth Protection guidelines are followed. They do not need to be registered in an adult leadership role.)
- Have completed the basic training courses for their Scouting position.
- Be capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment. All participants are required to complete the Annual Health and Medical Record form.
What One Can Expect? |
The Wood Badge Training Course is five days long and broken into two weekends. It is devised into two main parts, PRACTICAL and APPLICATION. The practical portion covers the aims and methods of Scouting, leadership skills, organizational tools and participatory activities based on the team development strategies. The application part of Wood Badge is a period of 18 months following the Course during which time the participants practice and demonstrate a working knowledge of the leadership principles presented during the Course. This is accomplished by the use of the Wood Badge “ticket”, which represents the participant’s commitment to complete a set of personal goals related to their Scouting position. These goals will significantly strengthen the program in which the participant/participants youth is involved in. |